​​​Private Air Travel
Private Jet Lease
Private Jet will always be ready and waiting for your next journey. For very frequent air travelers , leasing is often a very useful and cost-effective alternative. It is also offers many advantages from the sheer practical, to those of cash flow when compared to outright purchase. A leasing contract avoids having to part with a very large cash sum and thus avoids investment risk.
If you are a regular user, the single biggest advantage of leasing an aircraft is the time saved having to source one each time you need to fly. Your aircraft will always be ready and waiting for your next journey, needing just a short phone call to be ready to fly.
There are two types of aircraft leasing:
Dry leasing
This is where you lease the aircraft only with no extras. You will need to either be the pilot or have a full crew on standby. The owner in essence transfers the possession (but not the legal title) of the aircraft to the lessees.
Wet leasing
This is where the aircraft lease includes crew, fuel, insurance and other flight costs, and it does not involve transference of possession of the aircraft.
ANAA Global Aviation have specialist, dedicated private aviation consultants who are experts in leasing. They will work with you and source the ideal aircraft suitable for your needs. For a dry lease, if you don’t have your own crew, we can work with you to ensure your aircraft comes with full crew and that all travel paperwork and landing arrangements are made efficiently for your journeys.
And for wet leases, because of our many year experience in flying to all ‘corners’ of the globe, we can provide any back-up you require to access smaller, non-commercial licensed airfields.
If you are taking a longer lease (one year or more), it may be possible to dress the aircraft with your own branding.
The benefits include:
Short term from three months
Long-term from one year
You own the aircraft on permanent call 24/7, 365/12
No capital investment to tie up cash or restrict your cash flow, with convenient payments you can make full contingency for in advance
Residual value risk and depreciation is not yours, and you walk away at the end of the lease without concerns for selling the aircraft
Lease payments are a legitimate business expense
Leasing is superior to financing where you do not need the tax write-off from tax depreciation.